蓝鱼~驿站: March 2007

Thursday, March 29, 2007


haha...tok so much craps..jus wanna tell myself and everyone of u guys...有梦就敢敢去追!
watch 鲁豫有约 2mr!! 30/3/07 10:10 am :)

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


昨天很emo,看了sepet(yasmin ahmad 的电影),被其触动,不知觉地发现自己对未来的憧憬。希望自己的职业也是个产生作品的人,去赢得别人的一些些共鸣。结果,讲来讲去,我其实是想将我的回国日期改到11号,因为在matta fair买机票的时候,没有发觉到新秀大赛的吉隆坡面试日期是落在14和15号。而当时,12,13,14,15号有没有回马的机位了,所以就选了16号,还因为可以独自多探索几天而感兴奋。怎知道,当姑姐叫我一起去参加的时候,我才恍然大悟,真是心痛到捶心肝!还一度想说,是不是能在30号和31号到柔佛去试音...真是有点不理智,2号晚上就要去北京考试了,不用读啊!

其实,都清楚自己的水准,最多也只能进到初赛吧,要发歌手梦(注意,不是明星)的话只能从创作下手,嗯,就从我的文字开始吧,作词,创作班考试也通过了,将进入term 2..(不好意思,这整段都只是鱼的快乐幻想~~=.=随他吧

结果,昨天又没读到书咯,原因其一也是因为看了sEPET,作了很多动作,要与大家分享(下个post会看到)。刚才,载了大姐去大学,跟妈妈吃了好吃的怡保鸡丝河粉(抵他们赚的,真的好吃到不行,鸡饭也是一样,本来没有胃口吃早餐的,注意啦,它就在CATHOLIC 公教中学的外面!



旅行社小姐:嗬嗬,先生,不止呢,那只是手续费,AIRLINE CHANGES PENALTY, ONE SECTOR RM300,幸好你只是要改回程的..(幸好?我听了数目就死心了啦!!)ahem..还有,要付airfare changes,意思是说,你在matta fair省了多少,就多付回多少,因为行情不一样了...

!@#$%^% OKKKKK !@#$%^





Tuesday, March 27, 2007



hmm...late night again.tagged by gu zhe so write 2mr lo...2am d...called lilian and chatted bout 1 hour..zZZ nie

Sunday, March 25, 2007

U.S. vs BEIJING ...FiGhT !!@#$%^

recently, oways out with no camera by my hand..plain text seem a lil bit boring.as my words r not tat kind inspiring oso de..hehe.

went University Malaya las nite, saturday nite.hrm, it's a charity concert organised by AIESEC UM, under the programme named Young Visionaries. bcos lack of audience, so under the begging of da4 jie3, all of us went n support xia lor....
to be continued...jus now stop to chat..

ozarks called...got the scholarships ady...dilemma liao.
beijing how ler....?
who got wei kang de hp no. in us...or her gf's ? wan ask more....
c ya 2mr

Saturday, March 24, 2007

RoJaK 啰也

hmm.saturday noon.streaming 阿沁's nw album online.lazy to study ne.9 days left.
the day be4 yesterday,went sunway rb to sing k wif gu zhe.onli 2 of us.sing sing sing.1pm to 7pm.so gan dong ler when she sing 真的 by 张韶涵。nez time hoh, others would have to pay hundreds per pax to listen to her.hehe.

and until 6pm jiang,go out buy mineral water for thirsty gu zhe.when i was on the escalator, ther's one reckless indian women, who didnt hold his son's hand when they were escalating, jus let him follow behind.and the cute indian boi boi like to play wif the automated stairs,den he lost balance and nearly LUK down~~rolling rolling~fortunately i was at behind of him,so i was like superman,use one hand tahan him from LUK down lor.cos another hand holding mineral bottle.hehe.so xia si ren. and know wat, the mother was so ignorant, didnt even know wat was happenning, and jus had her eyes on the boutiques.no use de mom.

and nite, went阿姨de hse lor, outstation again.hav to take care of my cousin.nite,when slp wif grandma,i told him tat i hav to study so much bout china's history, frm 鸦片战争 to 八国联军 to 抗日时期..den when she heard bout JAPANESE,get raged lo.and describe the pain they suffered tat time..hav to run away from merciless killing.there was once,onli her siblings n her stay in hse while parents out to market.and den, japanese approach their residential area and go door by door to search for victim..she was so scared and legs trembling while listening to the door knocking sound...nasib baik god bless dem.she said,it's just like happened yesterday. and hor, forcing ppl to drink gallons of water till full ,and den step on their stomach till burst, this kind of case heard mant times liao, but feel so real listening these from her.

and yesterday. badminton and siwmming day.under persuasion of cousin bro n sis, decided to bring dem go for badminton lor.my cousin bro was so active lo,dunno how to say zong zhi very cute when play.we found so many expired candies inside the racquet holder.den 开球 and smack them one by one out of the indoor badminton court through the windows up high.act stupid and scream 2gether wif dem.relli happi.and den i suggest go swimming lo.but no trunk wor.ahem.no peduli so much.no ppl swim at tat time.haha.terus go wif underwear.dark colour de so nvm lo.hehe.fun fun playing wif kids..

10th of march.grace's wedding.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

have a little faith in me

happy belated bday for wen xuan.accustomed to this pronounciation liao.not voon sien.ha.

today,went china embassy to apply the china visa BY MYSELF.kind of proud.on such trivial matter.haha.my dad oways underestimated his son.blame me for not willing to pay tat rm20 administration fees and let ppl gao dim for me.so what?! jus wanna gif myself a try ma.reached there after stopped 3 times n "tumpang tanya".actually i was oredi at jalan ampang, jus tat it is so god-damn-hell long so i hav to identify the right way lor.matter of left or right.finally reached there.p/s: i cannot tok wif my mum while driving de.made me passed the parking site so can onli park at roadside.worry saman summore.ishh.

after tat, suggested to go klcc for brunch wif mum and offered to take her into kinokuniya.want to let her experience xia the nice atmosphere of studying inside there lo.jazz.well-temperatured ac.sunray shines on body through French wondows.i wan her to experience wat i do..eventually i bought nth but she came back wif two recipes.one of dem is 100 egg gastronomy.my favourite yo.yummy.

den nth much else lo.keep pick up n slow down n pick up n slow down in order while rushing to Catholic to fetch sis for bm tuition.abit late cos bkt bintang there sesak ma.gimme lian3 se4 see yet i wish her" bu xi yu kuai".where to find this kind of brother.XD

erm.yesterday.finish term 1 liao.the so called professional music composing course provided by lee wei song music class.got 79.5 for d exam.hey music is about art.y dont make it 80.3 circle ther so pretty. baka teacher.

2mr go take the remaining photostat copies and get d accessories as mentioned in d las post frm d nice teacher.den hang out wif bakal doctor gu zhe.sing k.wish her success in ATQ den i can b her jing li ren liao.promise since form4 i think.haha.

nite.hug hug.warm.zZZ

Monday, March 19, 2007


此一个人不是人。是 alone.bersendirian.ji geh lang.honjaitda.
hrm.now. raining + ac + fm + simple supper = hwooosh what a night.
relli appreciate this kind of relaxing life.however it ends soon.

今天,到学校拿北大入学考试的材料来复印。要开始读了咯。还以为资料不多,所以才提早到北京,以取得更多资料复习。mana tau, 看到徐月凤从广播mic前的橱将整一千张的notes拿出来时,我差点晕去!又不让我早几天拿!只能接过来,然后傻笑 =.=|| 然后,去到LH LIM 的办公室找她,因为去年她知道我要去北京时,说他的哥哥在北京工作,然后怎样怎样,又问我几时去,很是热心。虽然已有一班在校外租房子的学长收留我了,但我还是假假问一下,怎知道,她说:“那里有YMCA"   倒.... 但他又介绍一些天才同学让我认识咯,也有说会看一看她哥有没有出外公干...好像很厉害的咯,有跟林毅夫开过会的咧!

然后,最开心的是跟一个国语老师聊天。不知道你们还记不记得,初二有代过moral课的..很爽朗的那个!知道我要与北大念经济,谈了很多,但不是那些客套的prospect 问题,而是告诉我许多生活上要注意的小事(她12月刚从那里旅行回来)。例如,那里空气干燥,晚上睡觉时要让水龙头的水细流,以润湿空气...又说那里的王府井小吃街(到北京的必去之处)很多东西吃,什么羊脑啦,冰糖葫芦啦,还说可以讲价的!5串十元,还是一串有很多粒的那种她那种七情上面的表情,眼神里流露的,是一种诚恳,让我觉得,窝心。代课老师罢了。还有,她还叫我过几天去找她,她要借我贴身的passport和钱财收纳带,还有moisturizer.够力好人。好人到别人孩子将她的小学女儿椅子拉开,使之跌倒,校方要记大过,她还替他求情。你讲leh.

反观,高三班主任黄玉兰,我反而看到也不会上前打招呼。并没有发生过什么事让我耿耿于怀,以前的发生的事,回想只会淡笑,但实在没有兴趣跑前去假假应酬。哈。反而我不懂为什么全部讨厌LH LIM,虽然她以前的作风(现在应该没变)有时会惹人抗议,但她说的每一句话,是那么直接,不会有任何“弦外之音”。哈。怎么毕业了几个月,才来写往事?

话说回头,我们谈天到一半时, chin suan 进来了。她又送chin suan从沙巴带回来的辣椒,每个老师都有一小罐,那种分享的快乐,真得很好。又说,terengganu 的dungun有一个很美 的地方,形容到好像是七大奇观那样。哈哈。不知道去了北京一趟过后,还有没有机会在国内来一次自然探索之旅。谁得空的?我从matta fair 拿了很多cuti cuti malaysia 的资料...看了酱多好玩的,突然不想出国念书了。:)


她载我出mutiara后,悲惨故事来了。首先,我去剪头发。ahem..sing~~~我剪短我的发,剪短了长发,不用再被爸爸骂了~~~heee.头发剪了,配我的粗框眼镜还不错。剪的同时,我的资料在被复印。一张4sen.因为没有料到,没带够钱,45.3 的复印费给不起,让我很懊恼,我于是建议将正本留下,给部分钱当deposit.女人答应了。但当我拿出10块给她时,那竟用惊讶的眼神说“不可以啦,酱你只可以部分的复印本走!”严重给她炸到,说有人试过复印了5本书,结果没来拿bla bla bla..结果又挖多5块钱给她,差点没钱搭车..我像是酱无聊兼老人痴呆meh ? 真想一巴跟她slap 过去..

最重要的是,要回家时,call 妈妈 电话就没电了,又不想看人脸色借电话,只好用public phone 咯。十几年没用了。又要等几个休假出来的菲佣打电话去酒店,沟通到很困难酱,好像跟“顾客”约时间,但看清楚他们的年龄,样貌,身材,又好像不太可能..XD 结果jalan ipoh 又塞车,让妈妈等了半小时,然后去4点多的pasar malam买东西吃,等妈妈买菜的时候和雯雯吃渌渌,以前好像没有吃过,至少中学时代没有。@.@




Monday, March 12, 2007

bi li ba la

what happened to me ?
i pour SHOKUBUTSU on my toothbrush today...
doing nth in hse again.
watching 父子...
so much sex scene...
made my mom beh tahan and said" off it lar..."
so paise
diu=aaron keep saying tat


Monday, March 05, 2007

lee hom lap u lap u

u rock my world and soothe my heart.will be your fans forever.
haha.few more years later can berkerjasama with u.
so don worry =p
i used up my tiny spaces of 256mb jus to record videos during his concert.
will upload one by one.
WILL.defa de will.
i oso wonder.yea.me.defa.wonder.hoho.
damn the organiser swtich the venue frm merdeka stadiumto bkt jalil.
i tot it was not a big deal until barbie send me de seating structure las nite.
holy fcuking shit very pang bian ah our seat!!
haizz...ren ming lor.
but the 1st song GAI SHI YING XIONG,i ended up by dealing the seating problem with 3 ppl with half-serious manner sambil stop and turn my head back and catch his performance. they claimed their seat had been zhan4 ju4 oso.say me LATE summore??!!c u this student quite qing xiu, hou2 mei3 hou2 mao3,say liddat?i hav numbered seat de lor..fuck u!that was all caused by an UNCIVILISED sudience after all. lee hom, feel ashamed to have such fans hor.

and it's 3:19 and jus finished typing recommendation letter for MYSELF in order to apply for beijing university..haha liu hui hua asked me to do so de.then onli let headmaster sign.qiao qiao tell u guys la,i got go search 4beijing film academy lorr,but family sure don accept me to go study de...c if can go beijing,den onli take winter classs.hekhek.
but aiz.2mr get interview by the university of ozarks liao.mandarin oriental hotel.haiz hav to take lrt+ putra.
haven prepare blogging here.
wei kang ahh, tell me the situation thre...the scholarship got 20 portion, high possibility can take but i dunno how far the quality of the uni is.
but gif myself more option better.
hu knows, the GOU YAN KAN REN DI spore dun gimme offer at last. dont even bother to appeal if this thing really happen.i wan gambateh for beijing u entrance test.
poor time arrangement guy

Sunday, March 04, 2007


嗯..今天不懂做么,3:49 了还不能睡着..跟你们讲其中原因啦,也许你们看到会觉得"做么德发变得酱谓的",但是不要紧啦,写BLOG就是要写实嘛..看了一篇写得整个部落格都是琐碎小事的blog..但却吸引我继续看下去,虽然不认识这人..好像看生活小说然后联想画面.不错.高三理一学生绘画那么多时间写废话.tunafish啊,失恋我也试过啦,哭不出那种,你哭吧哭吧.一晚就好了.


Thursday, March 01, 2007

0108 010307 time n date

hitz fm has been making nights so lively..am shaking body naturally while listening to the hot beats..haha..and "when it all falls apart" makes me miss jia yi and jia hui..i recommended them this song..i now think tat mayb the feng shui of my room is not so nice as the fact that i usually hav no mood to write anything inside my room,and now that im inside my studyroom, make me reminisce the time study so hard for exams...and sms wif frens to cheer each other up,or waking each other up,to be specific..and in this case,joean would be the queen of mine,cos even she didnt continue Gao San(shake shake shake, WAIT A MINUTE by pussycatdolls is on air)in ch, she was stil aware of the date of skul exams and when pathetic me gnawing the textbooks at late night, my hp would vibrate and joean's sms ARRIVED.what else can i ask for ?!

these days, jus determined to practise and practise my piano and guitar lo,dowan to remain as a BEGINNER still when i become a uni student.shud hav some solid basic den onli can go further on ma rite?