haha...tok so much craps..jus wanna tell myself and everyone of u guys...有梦就敢敢去追!
watch 鲁豫有约 2mr!! 30/3/07 10:10 am :)
haha...tok so much craps..jus wanna tell myself and everyone of u guys...有梦就敢敢去追!
昨天很emo,看了sepet(yasmin ahmad 的电影),被其触动,不知觉地发现自己对未来的憧憬。希望自己的职业也是个产生作品的人,去赢得别人的一些些共鸣。结果,讲来讲去,我其实是想将我的回国日期改到11号,因为在matta fair买机票的时候,没有发觉到新秀大赛的吉隆坡面试日期是落在14和15号。而当时,12,13,14,15号有没有回马的机位了,所以就选了16号,还因为可以独自多探索几天而感兴奋。怎知道,当姑姐叫我一起去参加的时候,我才恍然大悟,真是心痛到捶心肝!还一度想说,是不是能在30号和31号到柔佛去试音...真是有点不理智,2号晚上就要去北京考试了,不用读啊!
recently, oways out with no camera by my hand..plain text seem a lil bit boring.as my words r not tat kind inspiring oso de..hehe.
hmm.saturday noon.streaming 阿沁's nw album online.lazy to study ne.9 days left.
此一个人不是人。是 alone.bersendirian.ji geh lang.honjaitda.
what happened to me ?
u rock my world and soothe my heart.will be your fans forever.
hitz fm has been making nights so lively..am shaking body naturally while listening to the hot beats..haha..and "when it all falls apart" makes me miss jia yi and jia hui..i recommended them this song..i now think tat mayb the feng shui of my room is not so nice as the fact that i usually hav no mood to write anything inside my room,and now that im inside my studyroom, make me reminisce the time study so hard for exams...and sms wif frens to cheer each other up,or waking each other up,to be specific..and in this case,joean would be the queen of mine,cos even she didnt continue Gao San(shake shake shake, WAIT A MINUTE by pussycatdolls is on air)in ch, she was stil aware of the date of skul exams and when pathetic me gnawing the textbooks at late night, my hp would vibrate and joean's sms ARRIVED.what else can i ask for ?!