蓝鱼~驿站: group-assignment war

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

group-assignment war

lol everybody is having problem in group assignment. I am now in the computer room overhearing some kind of calm group-assignment war.

when A states something that is unclear( perhaps he himself doesnt even understand what has been said) and B doesnt get his meaning and ask " what?", A keeps silent although a couple of "what?" were voiced out.(maybe he is trying to avoid giving explanation on something that doesnt make sense).

This makes B got irritated after waiting for like 30 seconds ( got humiliated of course in some sense) and say"man, u dont need drugs,u live in your own universe" while laughing on his own. And A keeps silent again,refusing to respond to B's laughing.

So, this is the typical tension that occurs between group assignment members. I can actually recall that my sister did complaint about his groupmates to me and at that point of time I thought it was no big deal. Now I understand how it feels like.It seems that everybody has to go through this stage. =)


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