蓝鱼~驿站: Thoughts after Youtube

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thoughts after Youtube

I feel like coming back for you my
little blogspot. It wasnt my choice to keep u aside it's the bloody stupid block from ccp..now that they set u free im going to visit u as often as i can, promise ya!

My day has been nice being educated with more and professional knowledge of finance and accounting. clean Price NaSdAg NySe Call PrEmiuM SynDicaTed Loan AvOidAble InTerest. hmm. guess that's what I like since I chose it.Anyhow, I just gotta admit that Im freaking outdated with all cool stuffs over the Youtube. I dont knoe there are NiGahiya Kevjumba and HaPpy SLip posting videos with more than 1 million viewers each !

So, think that I should balance myself between mental crippling study and keeping on track with the e-world. and yey I found a great deal friends~! Airasia's throwed out a fascinating ProMotion. I've randomly executed a search, departing on 7th of July and coming home on 7th of August, and it comes to a result where the Total Price would be 1777 bucks including tax! That's awesome! The thing is that I must make decision and book before 31st of November..Darn,that's kinda hard for me this indecisive guy. It would be easier for me if some enthusiastic friend's joining me. HAde PaRk KrisPy CremE LoNdoN eYe CHek SianG freE aCcomodatiOn at Sam's Hse

HOW WOULD IT turn OUT to be

my summer 2009


At 10:28 PM, Blogger 浅蓝色的日记 said...




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