
Saturday, August 18, 2018

2018.08.18 初八

就是想赶在这一个日子结束以前,作一些记录。 这星期的状态严重紧绷。中国市场一直比较脆弱,有很多股票不停闪崩。包括这一周的教育股。在尝试解读民促法的送审稿,确认对高等教育机构的影响叫嚣之后,我们决定抄底,结果股价还是节节败退,很是不快。 所以,七夕对即将要三十岁的我而言,不是一回事,只是当了志国和Judy的电灯泡,开心地吃了晚饭。 今天,在家里大睡了一天,自闭且没有太多地与外界联系。 昏沉入睡地过程中,仿佛安静地做了许多的自我整理与思考,因此放纵自己一直睡到午后6点为止。 晚上跟丽莲东晓的短讯对话,与妈妈40分钟的电话,还有看见舅舅外婆和孙子们外出用餐的合照,让我在空白的一天里感到安心。 决定了为金马电影观察团书写影评,写《开往春天的地铁》 是否是压力使然?我耽搁了一天。 明明是自己非常喜欢的事。 也许紧张。 也许这只是作者赶稿的压力日常。 好好尝试。在人生的这一个点上,心中曾经的梦想微燃。

Monday, June 04, 2018


突发奇想,觉得一边加班,一边记录,会不会比较efficient呢? 今天是一个非常stressful的星期一;过去的周末时间花在回家的路上,回来之后应该补救了。 嗯,需要催眠自己说,加班是应该的。 然后有你,蓝鱼驿站的陪伴,或许就不觉得孤独。
2018年6月2号 - 在KL的周末,外婆食指大动,说要吃螃蟹 =) @Raffles Place,新加坡 4th June 2018

Tuesday, May 29, 2018


是需要抒发 是需要align yourself 是需要竭尽所能去回望,整理,才可以继续往前走 still pretty much disturbed by the fact that you were texting on a Monday morning, telling me about that shit. It could have been done over a phone call. 你说,等不及了,tmd 有什么等不及? It says how much you (do not)care. Anyway 后来我都懒得写下去了。 订机票回家 :) 2018年5月29日 @Artisan Boulangerie Singapore

Sunday, January 21, 2018


哈咯 打个卡吧 昨晚跟Ellen聊天,发现她仍有写博客的习惯 当然一下子就想起了蓝鱼驿站 突然很担心你已经被删掉了 . . . 一打开 看着 最早期的帖子是2004 而今天登陆进来更新的我 已经是要踏入30岁的男人 . . . 从2009年后的10年里 发生了很多事 你知道吗? 我和我在我帖子里提及过的朋友 估计都在生活给予的跌跌撞撞里 磨练 成长 物是人非 也是再平常不过的事情了 . . . 很庆幸 10年后的今天 可以予周日早晨 在新加坡的寓所醒来 给你作这么一个深切的问候 ;) later. p/s: 前两天看的《call me by your name》,Oliver的口头禅

Saturday, December 05, 2009

travel light

He who would travel happily must travel light.
Antoine de Saint Exupéry

encountered this advise while browsing web.it applies to me.

and my mum.


Monday, November 23, 2009


lol. my roomie is back. What a wonderful weekend I had before he came back. I realized that I really appreciate being alone in my OWN room...=P a room in Beijing!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Now, 2240, alone in 15th District, Paris

i know ady. I can revive this blog by typing some thoughts.some 心情短语。

somehting i dont wanna shout out like stupid in fb.but i actually i posted this in fb before in blogspot:

i managed to make my own hot fudge cake with my choc bar + choc cake + microwave.Yummy!!!

lol.missed my flight to venice yesterday but compensated with a day-long stay in my ex............i mean ex TA of Linear Algebra and Analyical Geometry in year one.lol.Her name is 王冠颖. I would have failed this exam without having her helping me, giving me personal tuition in her officed until 10pm sth at nite...feel so grateful.

Eiffel Tower


and lastly, me , taken by her,under guidance of me. HAHAA

and now, she(my TA) has gone to her friend's place in the fourth ring to giv her(her fren) company, cos her fren says the mrs.landlord is not at home only mr.landlord there. so she is afraid. so my GY TA so jimui go n teman her d.left me alone in this cosy apartment in 15th district. so basically i spent whole day here cos yesterday was so sick n tired of the RETURN trip to the fucking far-away beauvais airport just to miss my flight.

damn. spoilt my mood seriously. fortunately I have this nice apartment today, being alone,it sooth my mind, and then I am ready for Rome on Friday now. Ciao!!!